Saturday, 25 September 2010


Well here it is , valid 6 months until 9 march,2011.That s it now, all I have to do now is wait.I have decided not to take any of the treatments mentioned in my last post,because I have been told that for the regions I will be visiting it will be more bothersome than useful(himalayas in november, Rajhastan in december).The only possibility of malaria could occur in Kerala,but not at that time of the year.The malaria mosquito is at its most virulent just after the monsoons.

Ya lo tengo,con 6 meses de validez hasta el 9 de marzo,2011.Asi que ya esta, lo unico que me queda por hacer es esperar. He decidido no tomar ninguno de los tratamientos que mencione en mi ultimo post, porque me han dicho que para las zonas que visitare sera mas problematico que util (himalayas en noviembre, Rajhastan en diciembre).La unica posibilidad de malaria podria occurir en Kerala, pero no esa epoca del año. El mosquito de malaria es  mas virulento despues del monzon.

1 comment:

  1. When we went to Africa we were advised to and had the most expensive malaria tablets. Had no problems with them at all.
